Another great day with students!
On Monday February 13, 2023, NASG was privileged to host our second group of STEM students from White House High School to our headquarters facility for a tour and discussion of careers in the manufacturing field.

Students were able to meet with a variety of people here at NASG and hear their personal stories about how they got into manufacturing. Students were able to see firsthand how technology is integrated into modern manufacturing. Apprenticeship and Intern programs were explained, and students were able to ask questions about what they saw and heard.

Responses from students were great and the teachers reported that in a post field trip questionnaire, 9 of 15 students would consider NASG or a similar manufacturing company as a possible career path. We think this is wonderful. America needs young people to step up and lead this country into a future where we continue to make things.

Thank you, White House High School, for sharing your students with us.